Dreadball Roster Creator [DRC]

On the back of a well received Deadzone pledge calculator, I set my sights on a new project. Having looked around, I never quite found an excel roster creator that I liked enough that a) worked and b) wasn’t clunky and full of bugs. So the answer was simple, don’t be lazy and create your own. So I did. Using the arosbb Bloodbowl template as an inspiration I decided to create my own version for dreadball.

Before you download, why not check out this quick tutorial post

Version 0.7 –Dreadball-Roster-v0.7

  • Made slight modification to coaches so you can specify which coach you have purchased. Added 3 currently released public playtest stats for Asterians, Teratons & Nameless

Version 0.8 – dreadball-roster-v0.8

  • Added Zees

Version 0.9 – dreadball-roster-v0.9

  • Added user request for custom colours, there is now a drop down list with a selection of colours to change the borders to and subsequent text as well

Version 1.0 – dreadball-roster-v1.0

  • Apologies for such a quick update after the last but version 1 now allows users to add their own logo. Simply insert it into the Team logo sheet, resize and move into the bordered box to show on the roster ๐Ÿ™‚

Version 1.1 – dreadball-roster-v1.1

  • Added The limited edition Gabe model stats, amended the MVP names to show positions (In brackets), added current Season 1 & 2 MVPs to the Season 3 Beta teams and added new columns to track 1 & 2 point scores as well as calculating total points scored by each.

Version 1.2 – dreadball-roster-v1.2

  • Big Update time:
  • Fixed issue where only the top player had total strikes recorded
  • Added Season 3 MVPs and Big Guys
  • Added Abilities, Teams, MVPs Overview Tab
  • Added Results Tracker Tab. (May not work as expected with older versions of excel)

Version 1.3 –ย dreadball-roster-v1.3

  • Fixed issue where win percentage was not being calculated on the results tracker
  • Added 4 new MVPs from the Azure Forest rulespack (A’Teo Adysi, The Veteran, Thunder Chris & Drake)
  • Added the option to remove a player from the roster at the click of a button. This option deletes the player entirely and their records from the roster – Note this option adds Macros into the spreadsheet.
  • Added the ability to select whether MVPs are used to calculate team values. (Feature requested by some league commissioners)

Version 1.4 –ย dreadball-roster-v1.4

  • Added Season 4 Teams and MVP’s
  • Added ability to track 1 & 2 turn injuries
  • Position # can now be changed for each player for custom numbering

Version 1.5 –ย dreadball-roster-v1.5

  • Added Season 5 and 6 Teams and MVP’s (minus Mutants and Mechanites)
  • Fixed pricing error on Martians due to Mantic print error

If you spot anything wrong, or wish to request a feature then please let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

46 responses to “Dreadball Roster Creator [DRC]

  1. Pingback: Dreadball Roster Creator – How to use it | The Wargaming Monkey·

  2. This is amazing and thank you for taking the time to do it! My request would be to have the ability to insert a team logo in the bottom left of the table – and if possible to change the colour of the roster – as I’d love to match them into my team!

  3. Is there a way to get this to work on my ipad? I’ve tried opening it with a spread sheet app, but it doesn’t allow me to select individual cells?

    • What app are you using? I am trying to make one compatible with an iPad as the drop downs don’t function correctly but I am struggling to get it to work another Way with my limited excel knowledge.

  4. Pingback: Dreadball League! | DeathWatch Studios·

  5. Really like what youve done with this. Especially handy for league progression.
    Just another small suggestion, any chance you can add a P:W:L:D table to track the team progression as a whole?

  6. Hey Liam! Really loving the roster! Way beyond anything I can do in excel! 1 thing I’m wondering- when a team has MVPs its adding their cost to team ranking (value) Is there a way to stop this as I keep giving people incorrect rankings and messing up my table!

  7. Love the roster, I’ve been promoting it to our league so that it’s easy to keep track of key items. Thanks again!

  8. I had a question about the Results Tracker section. It has a section for strikes. The game only has one score at the end, so I would have guessed the number would go on the side that won. But that does not register the match results. So, then it makes sense to put in the total points I scored versus the total points my opponent scores. That registers the match result now, but it tells me I cannot put in a score higher than 7.
    That would make sense if the first way of recording the score was used, but you need to record both sides results. What do I do if I won the game with the score on the 6 on my side, but my opponent actually scored 5 points along the way? I won by six, but that doesn’t mean I only scored 6 total. I guess I am just missing how to fill that section out. Thanks.

  9. Would there be a way to “Retire” players who have “succumb to their injury’s” during a game?

    I recently lost two jacks to a nasty game against some orks and have no real way to remove them from the roster or simply mark them as dead.

      • Looks great. Other option I thought of if folks don’t like the macro would be to have a listing of Deceased under the position drop down that could than wipe out the row but show the player was once on the team. Simular to how you had us just blank the position out.

  10. This is great – I have one for each of my 4 teams.
    There is a bug in the Wins formula on the results sheet, LS, T, L all calculate % correctly but W only shows 0% – as Marauders are my main team I never get a landslide but do manage the occasional win.

  11. I’m not sure if this is by design or not. In the tracking sheet all players start at level 0 where the book shows all players start at level one Page 57 of the core rule book

    it only causes minor confusion for new players like myself when you get excited about your players leveling.

  12. A guard was promoted to Keeper, and his armor value went from 4 to 3. When one of my strikers gained a skill improvement you have the sheet changing the field color to signify the change, which also makes it very easy to spot when playing.

    if the armor field could follow the same logic when the guard was promoted to keeper that would be awesome.

  13. Another feature request.
    Some of us use non standard numbering on the physical mini’s that don’t often line up to the players numerical position on the roster. Could we have an extra column added between name and roster number to allow free form text entry of the players “jersey” number?

  14. Worked great for my team in the league, cheers mate.
    A request if possible – is there any way we can track more than 1 team on a sheet, and be able to have a separate logo for each? I’d like to be able to keep all the league teams on 1 sheet, rather than scattered all over the place, so it could track highest Strikes, highest injuries etc (a bit like the old Halfling Chef excel sheet for Blood Bowl).
    No worries if you can though.

    • Hi Mate,

      I am looking into it at the moment. I am trying to sort out to track up to 12 teams, with a front sheet for Standings and pulling out the players with most kills, 4 pointers highest points scorer etc

  15. Hi,
    I currently run a dreadball league, and am looking to create a spreadsheet for managing this. Do you have any issues with me using this as a starting point?

  16. Love it mate. everything works solid on my end. My request would be to add two columns to keep track of the guards and jacks 1-2 turn injuries. that is when a guard or jack slams an opposing player to put them in the sin bin 1 or 2 locations. I just love the statistics of the game and would like to keep track of those hits as well. Makes Jacks look a bit more useful to the team lol.

  17. you have the “Midgard Delvers Forge Fathers” as move 5 are they not move 4?,
    Also any chance of adding the Convict team?

  18. As per our FB conversation the Martian Jack cost should be altered to 8MC from 9MC (and yes the S4 rulebook IS wrong).

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